Open the same terminal without switching spaces


I'm looking for an AppleScript (or anything, really) that will do the following:

  • If a Terminal window is open in the current space, bring it to the front.
  • If not, open a new one in the current space.

I don't want it to switch to another space if a Terminal window happens to be open there.

Using iTerm2 instead of Terminal is fine, if that makes things easier :).

I've been looking around for scripts that do this, but the closest I could find is one that opens a new Terminal every time. I don't want that, because I probably have a session that I want to return to.

Best Answer

I've been working at this for a while, and controlling spaces–with or without GUI scripting, which I don't use since it's inelegant and breaks–is really hard. AppleScript lacks functions needed to properly control spaces. What can be hacked together through shell scripts and writing to/from files can't even do what's needed.

Here's what I could manage:

tell application "Terminal"
    if not application "Terminal" is running then
        if (exists window 1) then
            do script ""
        end if
    end if
end tell

This script does:

  • If a Terminal window is open, bring it to the front.
  • If not, open a new one in the current space.

It does not:

  • Check only within the current space when testing for an open window