Open Preview in full page view


Whenever I open a PDF that is of ordinary DIN A4 format, the Preview window is oriented such that I can only see the upper half of the PDF. What I would like to have is a setting where I can define that every PDF is opened such that
– the full page is displayed
– the window is resized to reach vertically from the top to the bottom of the screen and
– horizontally has half screen size and that
– the window is placed in the right half of the screen.

Can I define these settings somewhere?

Best Answer

In 10.8 and later (but not in 10.7) there is a preference for the default view mode:

I don't know any way to change the default size or position of windows, but you can use an application like Slate, ShiftIt, or Moom to assign a keyboard shortcut for resizing a window to fill the right half of a screen.