How to use a PDF in a presentation


I have to make a little keynote tomorrow, and I have all the slides saved as PDFs. I will be using a projector as a second screen to my laptop.
What's the best way to transform this long PDF document into something more slidy?
If I open in with built-in Preview, I get some annoying issues such as the page number that pops out on the bottom of the slide whenever I flip a page and the non-full-screen-adapting when the ratio of the PDF isn't the same as the ratio of the screen.

So, any solutions?

Note I don't own a Keynote copy, so options like PDF to Keynote are not valid ones.

Best Answer

I have switched to Skim from Preview for presenting PDFs on a data projector. It has more & better presentation options and it’s free. Starting with Lion, drove me crazy. Regarding screen ratio: If I see correctly, both Applications will not change the aspect ratio of the PDF when in presentation mode (e.g. for square PDFs)