Multi-tabbed terminal emulator for macOS that can be run with a different $SHELL on each invocation


I have an old application I've been using on Linux for a quite a while that I like very much, and I'd like to use it on macOS sometimes.

It's called hcm, and it lives at

It's mostly about running commands on remote hosts (mostly X11 graphical applications, but some interactive shells), a little like putty, but with predefined hosts and commands.

I mostly use it to start terminal emulators that'll do a script(1)-like tty log locally, while giving interactive access to a remote host over ssh. Each new tab from a given terminal emulator gives a new tty logfile, and a new shell on the remote host again over ssh.

Is there a macOS terminal emulator, preferably an opensource one, that will respect $SHELL on each invocation? I gave iTerm2 and kitty a try, but they seem to ignore a test $SHELL. Alacritty wouldn't even run, with or without a test $SHELL, saying "Alacritty cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified."

Suggestions please?


Best Answer

This answer is not using $SHELL, but achieves the same result and more easily.

iTerm2 profiles, as well as setting colour scheme, can use a specific shell for each profile.

As an example I have set the builtin Red Sands profile to bash and not the default login shell (zsh).

In the menu choose Profiles -> Open Profiles. enter image description here

Add profiles or modify them with "Edit Profiles...". Here is Red Sands with a custom shell.

enter image description here

Now return to the main iTerm2 window and, in the menu bar, choose Profiles -> Red Sands. This opens a new tab running bash.

enter image description here

Taking this a step further (you want to run ssh for remote access) you can run a command when starting the shell/tab. Here I have added an ssh command to my Red Sands profile.

enter image description here

So setup however many profiles you want for the different shells and actions you need.

Note: My iTerm2 expertise is at the beginner level. I am sure you can do much better than me and, if not, someone else will have a better answer.