Terminal emulator for Mac OS X that supports binding Ctrl+(Shift)+Tab


I want to bind Ctrl+Tab to \033[27;5;9~ and Ctrl+Shift+Tab to \033[27;6;9~. Unless I am missing something, the default Mac OS X terminal emulator will not let you bind these key sequences to custom escape sequences like it does with the "F" keys (F1, F2, etc.) and most other keys.

Is there another terminal emulator I can use on Mac OS X that does support rebinding those keys?

Best Answer

Yes. There is a product called iTerm2. The best part is that it's FOSS

One of the features of iTerm2 is that you can remap any of the keys including the ones you asked about. For instance, I remapped Ctrl+Tab to send the text "blah" it it worked perfectly.

enter image description here

After hitting Ctrl+Tab, it sends the keystroke:

enter image description here