Microsoft remote desktop sends wrong symbol keys

keyboardremote desktop

I'm using Microsoft Remote Desktop 8.0.9 from the app store and connecting to Windows 7 and Windows Server 2003 based PCs.

Although alphanumeric keys work properly, when I type certain symbol keys into the remote computer they come out as the wrong keys, it seems like a mapping issue. The remote machines are both set as "English (United States) – US" for the input language, which matches what my Mac has.

The following is example of the key confusion:

\ maps to <
< maps to .
^ maps to ?
{ (twice) maps to ^^ (but once does nothing)
} (twice) maps to -- (but once does nothing)

Most other keys work fine. What can I do to correct this keyboard mapping on either the host (OSX Mavericks) or the client (Windows 7)?

Best Answer

I had the same problem using microsoft remote desktop on a mac with OSX Yosemite. My symbol keys did not work correctly, for example the \ became < and @ became *. I opened system preferences on my Mac that was running the RD client, and under keyboard I noticed that my input source was set to Canadian English. I added US English, deleted Canadian English, and restarted the remote desktop session. The special characters were typed correctly after that.