MacOS – Why is permission denied on this folder


I'm trying to understand why I do not have access to a sub-folder in my "Downloads" folder. The folder in question has the following rights:

drw-r--r--   29 laurent  staff   986B Feb 20 14:06 Example

and whoami gives 'laurent'. So as I understand, anybody can view this folder and I am the owner.

However, when I do cd Example, I'm getting:

bash: cd: Example/: Permission denied

In fact it seems to be true of all the sub-folders in my "Downloads" folder, none of them can be accessed (without using sudo). Any idea what could be the reason?

Best Answer

To be able to list or enter a directory you need execute permission


drwxr-xr-x   2 mark  staff      68 18 Mar 14:00 example

Use chmod to change the permissions, also check the setting of umask to see the default