MacOS – Why are the hidden files/directories seen in Terminal color settings


When I tried to set my Terminal color by importing a color scheme stored in ~/Dropbox/.personal/myColor.Terminal, it didn't display the hidden directories, including ~/Dropbox/.personal (and other files and directories I store to my Dropbox root, such as .vimrc or .gvimrc).

Why does this not display it? I always show those hidden directories by setting the AppleShowAllFiles property in to 1.

It's just the Terminal color setting import pane that I recognize to NOT be displayed – in other words, I've seen those hidden files everywhere on my daily use.

I can just move the color scheme file temporarily to import it on my Terminal – just want to know why such incongruity occurs.

I use the latest version of OS X Mavericks. Any feedbacks would be appreciated.


I got that it's not only Terminal, but it can be applied to other applications as well, on which when you do Open Files or Import or similar operations, most applications don't display those hidden files. As far as I know, only MacVim has a checkbox option to open those hidden files.

Best Answer

If I understand you correctly, this likely has to do with how terminals work. In bash they are hidden by most aliases of ls.

Try ls -a or \ls -a if that isn't working. This is to show all files and escape an alias you might have.

Put simply, the terminal doesn't care about finder preferences because it isn't finder.

If not, then perhaps terminal simply doesn't respect the finder settings.