MacOS – Is it possible to always show hidden/dotfiles in Open/Save dialogs


It is possible to show so-called dotfiles/directories like .git or files/directories that have the Hidden attribute in the Finder by running

defaults write AppleShowAllFiles 1

from the command line (then running killall Finder to restart it). However, this only works in Finder, not in applications' Open/Save dialogs. In those, one can use the . keyboard shortcut to show these files, but you have to use it each time you open a new dialog as the settings aren't saved.

Does anyone know of any kind of way to make this setting permanent? It could involve a Terminal command, editing a .plist or other file on an application by application basis, anything. This question was asked a while ago with no satisfactory answers, so I'd like to see if there have been any changes in Mountain Lion, or if anyone knows an answer that just missed the first question. I'm currently running 10.8.4, if it makes any difference.

Best Answer

Just adding the key to the global domain seems to work:

defaults write -g AppleShowAllFiles -bool true

You have to quit and reopen applications to apply changes as usual.