MacOS – AppleShowAllFiles Command not working in Mavericks OS X 10.9


I have looked everywhere, but the command
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
killall Finder
and all variations thereof does not work since I upgraded to Mavericks. Why is this?? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. All advice for 10.8 does not seem to carry over to this new OS

Best Answer

It worked for me in 10.9. You should be using -bool TRUE (not just TRUE), although it worked for me either way. Also, are you running it as two commands (killall Finder is a second command)? The only other thing I can think of is that cfprefsd might have the old setting (or lack therof) cached, so you may have to shut it down it first. If I understand the setup right, that shouldn't be necessary, but just in case:

killall cfprefsd
defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -bool TRUE
killall Finder