MacOS – What does the “cdw” do exactly in the canned Search for “Recents”


The Finder's sidebar search for "Recents" (in High Sierra) is a raw query, which can be found here:

The query string goes like this:

(kMDItemLastUsedDate = "*") && ((kMDItemContentTypeTree = public.content) || (kMDItemContentTypeTree = "*"cdw) || (kMDItemContentTypeTree = public.archive))

This also looks for Microsoft stuff. The relevant part of the query is:
kMDItemContentTypeTree = "*"cdw

What does the "cdw" part of this query accomplish? And what does it stand for?

I found another mention here for mdfind usage:

!   -interpret        Force the provided query string to be interpreted as if the user
!                     had typed the string into the Spotlight menu.
!                     For example, the string "search" would produce the following
!                     query string:
!                     (* = search* cdw || kMDItemTextContent = search* cdw)

Best Answer

cdw is an abbreviation for these search queries with this functions:

c: Case insensitive

d: Diacritical insensitive

w: Word-based, and detects transitions from lower- to uppercase


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