MacOS – Why does Spotlight in Mavericks not show the location of search results


With Mountain Lion, the following was working:

  • Search for a file type and name, e.g. to find all Excel sheets named Foo: kind:excel foo
  • This would show all Excel sheets where the name includes Foo in the spotlight results.
  • If the name of the files was the same, Spotlight would show the name of the containing folder right next to the name of the file.

Unfortunately I don't have a screenshot of this available. The displayed name of the containing folder was helpful in deciding which file I wanted.

In Mavericks, the folder name is no longer displayed next to the search result – see screenshot.

Mavericks Spotlight Search Results

Is there a way to enable this in Mavericks?

I know that I can show the file location when hovering over the item in the search results and pressing Cmd, but that's not what I want.

Best Answer

Hold down Option and Cmd to get the full path while moving the mouse over the hits. Kinda nice now I know. Hold those two keys while clicking on the preview causes Spotlight to open the Finder at the hit location; very convenient!