MacOS – “Sign in to download from the App Store” dialog does not allow paste


OSX 10.8.5

I am using lastPass and have the appleID in there so I can copy and paste whenever needed.

Sometimes when I am told I have an upgrade I am asked to sign in to the app store.
Annoying but ok. So I have generated a quite safe password – why am I not able to paste that into the password field? Any setting I can change?
(I obscured the appleID in the picture below)

enter image description here

Best Answer


So, as I wrote in the comments, you can do this with AppleScript. Here I show how to create a service that types your clipboard using 'keystrokes'.

First create an automator 'Service' project and add a 'Run AppleScript' module. Enter the following script.

set clipboardText to (the clipboard as text)
set theCharacters to characters of clipboardText
repeat with char in theCharacters
    tell application "System Events"
        keystroke char
    end tell
end repeat

return input

Run applescript in automator

Now you can find this 'Service' in your 'Service' menu.

service menu

You can also create a keyboard shortcut (for example ctrlshiftv) in your System Preferences [Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services]. Now you can 'type' your clipboard anywhere when pressing ctrlshift.

keyboard shortcut services