MacOS – RAM upgrade MacBook pro 15 inch mid-2010 on “El capitan”

hardwaremacbook promacosmemoryupgrade

I have a MacBook pro 15 inch mid-2010 i5 2,4 Ghz, which I already have upgraded to 8GB of RAM. I recently tried to upgrade my MacBook's RAM to 16GB on Yosemite and it gets a kernel panic, I know others Macbook Pros can do it. But now I have 16GB on my desk and I don't know if i should have a little of faith, wait until "el capitan" get released and the computer could support the 16GB or better to loose any hope and sell them.

Best Answer

Officially your Model only supports up to maximum of 8 GB RAM. So you are at maximum already.

Your alternative is to upgrade from Hard Drive to SSD, that would speed things up.