MacOS – How to Implement Port Knocking on macOS Sierra


Does anyone know how to get Port Knocking work on macOS Sierra. I couldn't find any useful information after a search.

It works now, thanks for all the help. @klanomath @jksoegaard. Wish you all the best.

Here are the configurations:

  1. Configuration: /usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt is empty initially

  2. Configuration: /etc/pf.conf

    scrub-anchor "*"
    nat-anchor "*"
    rdr-anchor "*"
    dummynet-anchor "*"
    anchor "*"
    load anchor "" from "/etc/pf.anchors/"
    table <ssh-access> persist file "/usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt"
    pass in quick proto tcp from <ssh-access> to port 22
  3. Configuration: /usr/local/etc/knockd.conf

            logfile = /var/log/knockd.log
            sequence    = 7000,8000,9000
            seq_timeout = 5
            command     = echo %IP% > /usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt
            tcpflags    = syn
            sequence    = 9000,8000,7000
            seq_timeout = 5
            command     = pfctl -t ssh-access -T replace -f /usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt
            tcpflags    = syn
            sequence    = 5000,4000,6000
            seq_timeout = 5
            command     = echo '' > /usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt
            tcpflags    = syn
  4. Output when Launch knockd:

    config: new section: 'options'
    config: log file: /var/log/knockd.log
    config: new section: 'openSSH'
    config: openSSH: sequence: 7000:tcp,8000:tcp,9000:tcp
    config: openSSH: seq_timeout: 5
    config: openSSH: start_command: echo %IP% > /usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt
    config: tcp flag: SYN
    config: new section: 'commitFW'
    config: commitFW: sequence: 9000:tcp,8000:tcp,7000:tcp
    config: commitFW: seq_timeout: 5
    config: commitFW: start_command: pfctl -t ssh-access -T replace -f /usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt
    config: tcp flag: SYN
    config: new section: 'closeSSH'
    config: closeSSH: sequence: 5000:tcp,4000:tcp,6000:tcp
    config: closeSSH: seq_timeout: 5
    config: closeSSH: start_command: echo '' > /usr/local/etc/ssh-access.txt
    config: tcp flag: SYN
    ethernet interface detected
    Local IP:
    Adding pcap expression for door 'openSSH': (dst host and (((tcp dst port 7000 or 8000 or 9000) and tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn != 0)))
    Adding pcap expression for door 'commitFW': (dst host and (((tcp dst port 9000 or 8000 or 7000) and tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn != 0)))
    Adding pcap expression for door 'closeSSH': (dst host and (((tcp dst port 5000 or 4000 or 6000) and tcp[tcpflags] & tcp-syn != 0)))
  5. Knock from client Mac

    192:~ vincent-st$ knock -v 7000,8000,9000
    hitting tcp
    192:~ vincent-st$ knock -v 9000,8000,7000
    hitting tcp
    192:~ vincent-st$ ssh vincent-st@
    ssh: connect to host  port 22: connection refused

After using the proper knock command ssh works:

  1. Knock from client Mac

    192:~ vincent-st$ knock -v 7000 8000 9000
    hitting tcp
    hitting tcp
    hitting tcp
    192:~ vincent-st$ knock -v 9000 8000 7000
    hitting tcp
    hitting tcp
    hitting tcp
    192:~ vincent-st$ ssh vincent-st@
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
    RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:6AlMpQmxODOueRS+faoODOueRS+ODOueRS+fa.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
    Last login: Tue Jul 11 01:14:56 2017 `

Best Answer

If you need to get port knocking working as a client (i.e. you want to access a remote service that is protected by port knocking) - then install the knock program from Homebrew like this:

brew install knock

You'll need to have Homebrew installed in advance.

Then you can use the program from like this:

knock myserver 1234 5678 9012

where the numbers are the ports to knock.

If you need to get port knocking working as a server (i.e. you want to protect a local resource so that remote access is limited to those in-the-know by port knocking) - then similarly install knock from Homebrew.

After installation you'll need to create a knockd.conf configuration customized to your requirements (i.e. which type of service you want to protect, the ports to use, etc.) - and finally start knockd using launchd.

You can find an example of how to do this here:

Example knockd setup