MacOS – Port forwarding on all ports except ssh on macOS Sierra (redsocks)


I am trying to forward all ports except port 22 on OSX Sierra using pfctl but it doesn't seem to work.

file: /pf.conf

ext_if = "inet"
rdr pass $ext_if proto tcp from any to any -> port 12345
rdr pass $ext_if proto udp from any to any -> port 10053
pass out proto tcp from any to any port ssh

I enabled it with

sudo sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
sudo pfctl -f pf.conf
sudo pfctl -e

The traffic seems to be redirecting fine to port 12345, but I can't get port 22 to passthrough.

Best Answer

The ssh line should be above the ‘rdr’ lines, so that the ssh line is matched first.