MacOS – Permanently Enlarging the “Open File” dialog box in Yosemite


Whenever I open a file in any application I'm presented with the standard "Open" dialog box which I find to be frustratingly small (less than 50% in each dimension on my 11 inch screen). I can enlarge it to a more generous size, but the new dimensions don't seem to be made permanent, so next time I open a file the standard small-size dialog is shown.

Is there a way to permanently resize this dialog box?

Best Answer

I tested this with TextEdit and it does not remember the size of it's open dialog window. I tested it with Script-Editor and BBEdit and they both remember the size.

After reading something about another, maybe related situation, I tried this:

I resized the open dialog in TextEdit like it is described here (second screenshot).
[ which is: hold the SHIFT-key and click into the right side of the dialog and start dragging it ]

And when I do that this way, TextEdit remembers the size, also between relaunches.

So may be this is possible with all applications you want to remember it's open dialog size? It's not a general solution but a workaround. If it does the job it may be a pretty useful one.

I got the idea to try this from here (second screenshot): and I found that site with a google query containing the title of your question.