MacOS – My macbook pro os x sierra 10.12.3 keeps crashing and report AirPortBrcm4360 issue

crashhardwaremacbook promacoswifi

My configuration :

MacOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32)
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15', late 2013),
Model: MacBookPro11,2
2 GHz Intel Core i7 (i7-4750HQ) CPU: 4-core
.. 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
.. 4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
Bluetooth: Handoff/Airdrop2
Wireless: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac

Step to reproduce the crash :

  1. turn wifi on (sometimes crashes happened just after deactivating wifi and when the systems restarted the wifi card had disappeared, icon marked with a cross and popup saying "no wifi hardware detected")
  2. disconnect any ethernet thunderbolt cable or deactivate ethernet connexion
  3. simply use the computer for instance navigating with safari or chrome or wait a little doing nothing (less than 2 minutes now, but it used to be hours before the problem occurs)
  4. Boom ! Black screen, fans and keyboards back lights increase activity for a few seconds and then the computer just turns off completely

Noticeable informations :

  • bluetooth can be on or off, it doesn't matter or affect the crash
    behavior even if sometimes when I turn on the computer after a crash
    bluetooth can be activated or deactivated when it was in the opposite
    state before the crash,
  • no crashes occur when connected to internet with both wifi and ethernet or just through the ethernet port only. The problem is only when the wifi is on.
  • no crashes when in the mac is started in safe mode and with only wifi on
  • the issue started after updating to sierra os x and prior that date I had very few crashes in years (almost none). Unfortunately my time machine copies before migrating to sierra have been overwritten with post sierra's copies

I have tried several solutions but the problem remains. Here is a list of the opérations I went through so far with absolutely zero success :

  • Changing Mac OS X Wireless Card Country Code as explained here
  • removing all wifi preferences and all extensions, LaunchAgents, LaunchDeamons, Internet pluggins, etc. (both in /Libbrary/, ~/Library/, /System/Library, etc.)
  • removing all my applications that could mess up with the system (brew, ports, cleaner, magicPrefs, Citrix, antivirus, etc.) and cleaned all their remaining files (such as .plist files, etc.)
  • updating to os x sierra with the utilities of the recovery mode
  • bootable usb key, hard drive format, os x sierra clean installation and personal data recovery with time machine
  • and of course I have tried contacting the apple support (feedback/bug report messages, phone calls and several visits to the so called genius bar where all hardware tests showed nothing wrong (their conclusion : as it works fine in safe mode, it might be a software issue but they don't know where and why turning wifi on is triggering the crashes). My conviction : it is a faulty sierra wifi card driver responsible of the crashes as I always get crash logs after each single unwanted shutdown and few times accompanied with a crash log (CCIOReporter log file).

I think all is said about my issue. And I will also provide a crash report (pretty messy) or an etreCheck reports (clearer) but both didn't give usable information. I hope my approach can help some of you solving similar issues and also that some can help me find a solution.

EtrePort report extract :

Les informations matérielles : ⓘ
MacBook Pro (Retina, 15 pouces, fin 2013)
[Les caractéristiques techniques] - [Le guide de l’utilisateur] - [Garantie & service]
MacBook Pro - modèle : MacBookPro11,2
1 2 GHz Intel Core i7 (i7-4750HQ) CPU: 4-core
8 GB RAM Pas extensible
4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
4 GB DDR3 1600 MHz ok
Bluetooth: Bon - Handoff/Airdrop2 disponible
Wireless: en0: 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
La batterie : Santé = Satisfaisant - Comptage de cycles = 426

Les informations vidéo : ⓘ
Intel Iris Pro
Color LCD 2880 x 1800

Les logiciel du système : ⓘ
macOS Sierra 10.12.3 (16D32) - Temps depuis le démarrage : environ 2 heures

Les informations des disques : ⓘ
APPLE SSD SM0256F disk0 : (251 GB) (Solid State - TRIM: Yes)
[Afficher le rapport SMART]
EFI (disk0s1) : 210 Mo
Recovery HD (disk0s3) [Restauration] : 650 Mo
Macintosh HD (disk1) / [Startup] : 249.78 Go (50.76 Go libre)
Crypté AES-XTS Ouvert
Core Storage: disk0s2 250.14 Go Online

Les informations USB : ⓘ
Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
Apple Inc. BRCM20702 Hub
Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller

Les informations Thunderbolt : ⓘ
Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
Apple Inc. Thunderbolt to Gigabit Ethernet Adapter

Les fichiers de configuration : ⓘ
/etc/sudoers, Taille du fichier 2299 mais 1563 prévu

Le gatekeeper : ⓘ
Mac App Store et développeurs identifiés

Les agents de lancement systèmes : ⓘ
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[désengagé] 7 tâches d’Apple
[engagé] 168 tâches d’Apple
[en marche] 95 tâches d’Apple

Les daemons de lancement systèmes : ⓘ
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] (2017-01-13)
[engagé] org.cups.cupsd.plist (2017-01-13)
[désengagé] 40 tâches d’Apple
[engagé] 151 tâches d’Apple
[en marche] 110 tâches d’Apple

Les éléments Ouverture : ⓘ
iTunesHelper Application (2017-02-13)
SpeechSynthesisServer Application

Les extensions de Safari : ⓘ
Save to Pocket

Les panneaux de préférences tiers : ⓘ
Flash Player (2016-12-16) [Aide]

Le Time Machine : ⓘ
Ignorer les fichiers du système : NON
Sauvegardes mobiles : Allumé
Sauvegarde automatique : OUI
Disques sauvegardés :
Macintosh HD : Taille de disque : 249.78 Go Disque utilisé : 199.02 Go
Destinations :
My Book 1 [Network]
Taille totale : 2.00 To
Nombre total de sauvegardes : 26
Sauvegarde la plus ancienne : 29/12/2016 19:38
Dernière sauvegarde : 17/02/2017 04:28
Taille du disque de sauvegarde : Excellent
Taille de sauvegarde 2.00 To > (Taille de disque 249.78 Go X 3)

L’utilisation du CPU par processus : ⓘ
6% WindowServer
3% kernel_task
1% fontd
1% Google Chrome Helper(38)

L’utilisation de la RAM par processus : ⓘ
3.39 Go Google Chrome Helper(38)
839 Mo kernel_task
328 Mo Google Chrome
270 Mo WindowServer
213 Mo Mail

Les informations de la mémoire virtuelle : ⓘ
2.05 Go RAM disponible
22 Mo RAM libre
5.95 Go RAM utilisé
2.02 Go Fichiers en cache
2 Mo Fichier d’échange utilisé

AirPortBrcm4360 log extract :

Feb 17 02:40:38.185638 +0100 000001.629593 Brcm4360[279] [0xf285b62e64aa2843][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::configHandler: PCIe config handler: [ARPT], message[0xe0000210] state[3] timestamp[0x0000000000000000] calendartime[0x000548b00030a6a4]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185741 +0100 000001.629696 Brcm4360[281] [0xf285b62e64aa2843][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::configHandler: PCIe config handler: [ARPT], message[0xe0000225] state[3] timestamp[0x000000000018dd9a] calendartime[0x000548b00030a70b]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185783 +0100 000001.629737 Brcm4360[284] [0xf285b62e64aa2843][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::start: this[0xf285b62f23496ec3] vendor[0x14e4] device[0x43a0] ... registerService() ... return
Feb 17 02:40:38.185800 +0100 000001.629755 Brcm4360[285] [0xf285b62e64aa2cdb][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: messageType[0xe0000340], params(changeFlags[0x00000000] fromCapabilities[0x00000000] toCapabilities[0x0000000f])
Feb 17 02:40:38.185803 +0100 000001.629758 Brcm4360[286] [0xf285b62e64aa2cdb][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerChange: returning: _powerState[0] _systemSleeping[0] systemWoke[0]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185859 +0100 000001.629814 Brcm4360[287] [0xf285b62e652bbeeb][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, timestamp[0x000000000018de74] calendartime[0x000548b00030a781]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185861 +0100 000001.629816 Brcm4360[288] [0xf285b62e652bbeeb][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.185872 +0100 000001.629827 Brcm4360[289] [0xf285b62e652bba53][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: Called powerStateOrdinal = 2, timestamp[0x000000000018de81] calendartime[0x000548b00030a78e]
Feb 17 02:40:38.185875 +0100 000001.629830 Brcm4360[290] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[2]systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[0] _powerState[0] _down[0] _up[0] osh[0xf285b62e652f9ca3]
Feb 17 02:40:38.186029 +0100 000001.629984 Brcm4360[297] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: state [0] -> [1], name['wl_fatal_error'] id[31094]
Feb 17 02:40:38.186032 +0100 000001.629987 Brcm4360[298] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: _up[0] _down[0] _powerSleep[0] _powerState[0] _powerCycleThreadWaiting[0] _powerOffOnThreadBlockedForWake[0] _powerCycleOffOnThreadRunning[0]
Feb 17 02:40:38.186080 +0100 000001.630035 Brcm4360[301] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] KMOD info(name: '' version['1130.3.1a5'] address[0xf285b62dd3585ec3] size[0x7c1000])
Feb 17 02:40:38.195335 +0100 000001.639290 Brcm4360[1803] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: Device in bad state after wakeup - err:-1
Feb 17 02:40:38.195336 +0100 000001.639291 Brcm4360[1804] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: Device in bad state after wakeup - err:-1
Feb 17 02:40:38.195338 +0100 000001.639293 Brcm4360[1805] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[2] systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[0] _powerState[2]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195340 +0100 000001.639295 Brcm4360[1806] [0xf285b62e652bba53][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, ACK'ing.
Feb 17 02:40:38.195357 +0100 000001.639311 Brcm4360[1809] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: calling setPOWER(OFF)
Feb 17 02:40:38.195359 +0100 000001.639314 Brcm4360[1810] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(): >>>> _powerState[2] _lastUserRequestedPowerState[2] _systemSleeping[0] _powerOffInProgress[0] _powerOffThreadRequest[1], _powerSleep[0] pid[0]'kernel_task'
Feb 17 02:40:38.195364 +0100 000001.639319 Brcm4360[1812] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(OFF): _powerState[2] _lastUserRequestedPowerState[2] _systemSleeping[0] _powerOffInProgress[0] _powerOffThreadRequest[1] selfpid[0] inprogress[0]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195411 +0100 000001.639366 Brcm4360[1815] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(OFF): calling changePowerStateToPriv( PS_INDEX_DOZE )
Feb 17 02:40:38.195421 +0100 000001.639376 Brcm4360[1816] [0xf285b62e652bbeeb][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, timestamp[0x00000000001903cd] calendartime[0x000548b00030ccda]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195425 +0100 000001.639380 Brcm4360[1817] [0xf285b62e652bbeeb][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[3]systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[2] _down[1] _up[0] osh[0xf285b62e652f9ca3]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195428 +0100 000001.639383 Brcm4360[1818] [0xf285b62e652bbeeb][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: enabled[0] interfaceFlags[0x0822] ifup[0], timestamp[0x00000000001903d5] calendartime[0x000548b00030cce2], commandWakeup()
Feb 17 02:40:38.195466 +0100 000001.639421 Brcm4360[1822] [0xf285b62e652bbeeb][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[3] systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[2]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195468 +0100 000001.639423 Brcm4360[1823] [0xf285b62e652bbeeb][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.195580 +0100 000001.639535 Brcm4360[1838] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(): Feb 17 02:40:38.195581 +0100 000001.639536 Brcm4360[1839] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: setPOWER(OFF) returned 0.
Feb 17 02:40:38.195584 +0100 000001.639539 Brcm4360[1841] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: OFF -> ON, Delaying _powerOffOnDelayms[ 300] (ms)
Feb 17 02:40:38.195596 +0100 000001.639551 Brcm4360[1842] [0xf285b62e64aa2843][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 1, timestamp[0x000000000019047d] calendartime[0x000548b00030cd8a]
Feb 17 02:40:38.195598 +0100 000001.639553 Brcm4360[1843] [0xf285b62e64aa2843][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 1, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.195613 +0100 000001.639568 Brcm4360[1844] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: Called powerStateOrdinal = 1, timestamp[0x000000000019048d] calendartime[0x000548b00030cd9a]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496617 +0100 000001.940572 Brcm4360[1845] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: calling setPOWER(ON)
Feb 17 02:40:38.496622 +0100 000001.940577 Brcm4360[1846] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(): >>>> _powerState[2] _lastUserRequestedPowerState[1] _systemSleeping[0] _powerOffInProgress[1] _powerOffThreadRequest[0], _powerSleep[0] pid[0]'kernel_task'
Feb 17 02:40:38.496626 +0100 000001.940581 Brcm4360[1848] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(ON): _powerState[2] _lastUserRequestedPowerState[1], calling changePowerStateToPriv( PS_INDEX_ON )
Feb 17 02:40:38.496660 +0100 000001.940615 Brcm4360[1850] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 1, callback[2]systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[2] _down[0] _up[1] osh[0xf285b62e652f9ca3]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496707 +0100 000001.940662 Brcm4360[1857] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: WWEN[disabled]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496844 +0100 000001.940799 Brcm4360[1864] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 1, callback[2] systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[1]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496846 +0100 000001.940801 Brcm4360[1865] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 1, ACK'ing.
Feb 17 02:40:38.496863 +0100 000001.940818 Brcm4360[1866] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 1, timestamp[0x00000000001d9d50] calendartime[0x000548b00035665d]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496866 +0100 000001.940821 Brcm4360[1867] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 1, callback[3]systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[1] _down[0] _up[1] osh[0xf285b62e652f9ca3]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496869 +0100 000001.940824 Brcm4360[1868] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 1, callback[3] systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[1]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496870 +0100 000001.940825 Brcm4360[1869] [0xf285b62e654a55e3][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 1, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.496898 +0100 000001.940853 Brcm4360[1870] [0xf285b62e654a886b][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, timestamp[0x00000000001d9d72] calendartime[0x000548b00035667f]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496900 +0100 000001.940855 Brcm4360[1871] [0xf285b62e654a886b][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateWillChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.496912 +0100 000001.940867 Brcm4360[1872] [0xf285b62e64aa43d3][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: Called powerStateOrdinal = 2, timestamp[0x00000000001d9d81] calendartime[0x000548b00035668e]
Feb 17 02:40:38.496915 +0100 000001.940870 Brcm4360[1873] [0xf285b62e64aa43d3][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[2]systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[1] _down[0] _up[1] osh[0xf285b62e652f9ca3]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724489 +0100 000002.168444 Brcm4360[1880] [0xf285b62e64aa43d3][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[2] systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[2]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724493 +0100 000002.168448 Brcm4360[1881] [0xf285b62e64aa43d3][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, ACK'ing.
Feb 17 02:40:38.724516 +0100 000002.168471 Brcm4360[1882] [0xf285b62e652be843][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, timestamp[0x0000000000211693] calendartime[0x000548b00038dfa0]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724521 +0100 000002.168476 Brcm4360[1883] [0xf285b62e652be843][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[3]systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[2] _down[0] _up[1] osh[0xf285b62e652f9ca3]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724524 +0100 000002.168479 Brcm4360[1884] [0xf285b62e652be843][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: enabled[0] interfaceFlags[0x0822] ifup[0], timestamp[0x000000000021169d] calendartime[0x000548b00038dfaa], commandWakeup()
Feb 17 02:40:38.724960 +0100 000002.168915 Brcm4360[1887] [0xf285b62e652be843][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::syncPowerState: returned: powerStateOrdinal = 2, callback[3] systemWoke[0] _powerSleep[1] _powerState[2]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724963 +0100 000002.168918 Brcm4360[1888] [0xf285b62e652be843][0][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerStateDidChangeTo: 2, ACK'ing
Feb 17 02:40:38.724975 +0100 000002.168930 Brcm4360[1889] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPOWER(): Feb 17 02:40:38.724977 +0100 000002.168932 Brcm4360[1890] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::powerCycleOffOnThread: setPOWER(ON) returned 0.
Feb 17 02:40:38.724983 +0100 000002.168938 Brcm4360[1891] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: state [1] -> [0], name['powerCycleOffOnThread'] id[5317]
Feb 17 02:40:38.724986 +0100 000002.168941 Brcm4360[1892] [0xf285b62e652bba53][1][0] AirPort_Brcm43xx::setPowerCycleInProgress: _up[1] _down[0] _powerSleep[0] _powerState[2] _powerCycleThreadWaiting[0] _powerOffOnThreadBlockedForWake[0] _powerCycleOffOnThreadRunning ...

Best Answer

What helped me:

  • Using OS X Mavericks (default OS for my laptop, didn't have a chance to use Sierra/ElCapitan)
  • Using any usb wifi adapter;
  • Using native wifi but power adapter is connected
  • Using native wifi on battery but it should be charged > 45%

What didn't help:

  • OS reinstall (with/without disk formatting)
  • Remove wifi, airport etc config files
  • Reset SMC
  • Reset NVRAM
  • Look for updates (no updates available)

What I did else:

  • Launched Apple Hardware test (OK)
  • Launched some apple benchmarks (Geekbench 4, Blackmagic Disk speed test) (all OK)
  • Launched Coconut Battery (got 7193 mAh, designed 8440 mAh)

Other problems I found:

  • Can't turn the mac on (or wake it up) when the battery is low than 40%. But if I don't shut it down or hibernate it works down to 0%

I have no proofs but I think the problem is in the combination of soft wifi and battery status.