MacOS – My Macbook Pro (2011) won’t boot into single user mode

bootkeyboardmacbook promacosstartup

I saw Possible reasons (other than Open Firmware Password Protection) for not being able to boot into single user mode?, but it didn't help any, since I'm using the laptop's keyboard.

Yes, my Mac can boot into other modes, like Recovery and Apple's Boot Manager, but it fails to boot into Single User.

Also, the command key works, so can anyone help with this?

Edit: I do not have FileVault enabled.

Best Answer

You may considering using these steps to start up your Mac in single-user mode or verbose mode:

  1. Shut down your Mac.

  2. Press the power button to start up your Mac.

  3. Immediately hold down the following keys:

    • Hold down Command-S for single-user mode.
    • Hold down Command-V for verbose mode.
  4. You've successfully entered single-user mode or verbose mode when you see white text appear on the screen.

Hope it works.