MacOS – Move through images in a folder with


When looking at an image in a directory with the Preview application, I'm used to the Windows behaviour of using the / keys to move through all the other viewable images in that directory. doesn't do this – I first have to select all the images and then open This is a little annoying.

Is there something I can turn on or install to get this behaviour?

Also, how do I open an image in a new instance of, say for comparison purposes?

Best Answer

If you are just skimming the pictures do this:

Instead of opening a picture in by double-clicking it, just press space to preview the picture when selected in Finder.

This way you can still use the arrow keys to navigate between the pictures.

  • and in list view
  • ,, and in icon view

You can still open the picture in when needed (top right corner).

enter image description here