MacOS Mojave 10.14.2 ignores network service order preference


I've a problem that drives me crazy. My company has a wifi network that, when connected, does not allow me to connect to several services.
For this to work, I need to connect by Ethernet (changing this is btw no option :D)

I've purchased, some weeks ago, a USB-C thunderbolt dock for my 2018 MBP with an Ethernet port. This port shows up in System Settings -> Network and I can easily disbale wifi and my Mac will use the tethered connection.
Sadly, as soon as I connect to the wifi, MacOS will prioritize the wireless connection.

I've moved in System Settings -> Network the Priority of the "Thunderbolt Ethernet Slot 1" to the top, and Wifi below this (even totally at the end!) but MacOS will simply ignore this.

Any ideas in how to debug this?

Best Answer

Make sure you've changed the "set service order" within the "gear" submenu:

enter image description here