MacOS – MIcrosoft Outlook stopped working on Yosemite

macosms office

I ran Outlook for a day after updating to Yosemite, but after a reboot, it no longer works.

When I click on the Outlook icon, it bounces a few times but never runs. Looking in system.log (via, it complains about a call to gestaltSystemVersion from both Outlook and Microsoft Database Daemon. (see below)

I rebooted again, and I reinstalled Office for Mac 2011. My Outlook is version 14.4.5. I've found very little regarding this error searching Google, and most of it is from the beta stage for Yosemite.

Has anyone else seen this, or better, solved it?

Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB Microsoft Outlook[1664]: objc[1664]: Class OnClickLinkAction is implemented in both /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/OutlookLegacy.framework/Versions/14/OutlookLegacy and /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Outlook. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB Microsoft Outlook[1664]: objc[1664]: Class ERExtraKeyedTableColumn is implemented in both /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/OutlookPaletteItems.framework/Versions/14/OutlookPaletteItems and /Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Microsoft Outlook. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined. 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0.
    Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location: 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: 0 CarbonCore 0x9ba5e7e7 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 135 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: 1 libdispatch.dylib 0x9021c130 _dispatch_client_callout + 50 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x9021c0b5 dispatch_once_f + 251 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: 3 libdispatch.dylib 0x9021d0d8 dispatch_once + 31 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: 4 CarbonCore 0x9b9f0fb8 _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 1050 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: 5 CarbonCore 0x9b9f0b69 Gestalt + 150 
Nov 4 08:42:15 JLGPB.local Microsoft Outlook[1664]: 6 OutlookCore 0x0180563b _ZN6carbon22HasSnowLeopardOrBetterEv + 45 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: WARNING: The Gestalt selector gestaltSystemVersion is returning 10.9.0 instead of 10.10.0.
    Use NSProcessInfo's operatingSystemVersion property to get correct system version number.
    Call location: 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: 0 CarbonCore 0x9ba5e7e7 ___Gestalt_SystemVersion_block_invoke + 135 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: 1 libdispatch.dylib 0x9021c0b5 dispatch_once_f + 251 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: 2 libdispatch.dylib 0x9021d0d8 dispatch_once + 31 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: 3 CarbonCore 0x9b9f0fb8 _Gestalt_SystemVersion + 1050 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: 4 CarbonCore 0x9b9f0b69 Gestalt + 150 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: 5 MicrosoftComponentPlugin 0x0035f3be McpInitLibrary_ + 505 
Nov 4 08:42:16 JLGPB.local Microsoft Database Daemon[1666]: 6 MicrosoftComponentPlugin 0x0035f1ee McpInitLibrary_ + 41

Best Answer

After to Alistair's comment, I did some more general googling. I found some suggestions that the best solution was to rebuild the identity, so that's what I did:

  1. go to ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data
  2. make a "backup folder"
  3. drag the contents of ~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2011 Identities into the backup folder
  4. relaunch Outlook and configure as if it's a fresh install.

This has things working again.