MacOS – Making changes to the iTerm UI permanent


I am new to the MacOS, and I have started using iTerm2, and I want to make the changes to my UI permanent, but I am unable to do so.

When I "right-click" in the iTerm window and go to Edit Session… → Preferences → Text → Cursor → Vertical Bar , my current instance of iTerm does what I want it to.

However, when I shut it down and start another window some time later, it reverts back to its old settings. How do I make these settings permanent so I don't have to keep repeating the above process?

Best Answer

"Edit Session" is exactly that - it edits that particular session.

If you want to make it permanent, you have to make the change in your profile. Go to Preferences → Profiles → Default Profile → Text

enter image description here

Obviously, you select the profile you want that change made to - I'm showing the Default Profile for this example.