MacOS – How to one save iTerm2 hotkey-window settings (size/dimensions, computer monitor/display, and relative display position)


How can one save iTerm2 hotkey-window settings (size/dimensions, computer monitor/display, and relative display position) so that the said hotkey window re-appears with the same (above) settings?

I'm looking for some sort of "saving current window settings" button/feature.

I'm finding the iTerm2 hotkey window also "auto changes" its dimensions undesirably when I move said window from one computer monitor/display to another, I'm guessing to match the Arrangement settings, or maybe something else.

I'm an iTerm2 newbie, and iTerm2 Arrangements and Profiles management do not yet behave in the way I want.

Best Answer

When I changed the iTerm2 preferences Hotkey Window -> Window -> Style = No Title Bar (see annotated screenshot below) it started doing what I want.

I believe the original setting was Full-Width [something...]. When I change the Style setting back to a Full-Width setting, it gets wonky again, namely it starts stretching the Hotkey Window to a full width of the screen. Makes sense.

What makes less sense to me is why Full-Width was set for this Hotkey-Window profile which I had not used previously. This suggests it might (?) be a default setting. If so, I'm not sure why the iTerm2 developers/managers want it this way, it seems like it would cause confusion for other newbies like me in the same scenario.

enter image description here