MacOS – Major problem creating more problems, spiraling out of control endlessly: cannot install OS

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I started the day by receiving the following message, spontaneously:

your computer restarted because of a problem. Press a key or wait a few minutes to continue starting up.

So I upgraded High Sierra. But the problem continued, I kept getting the message above.

So I uninstalled all my apps which came from outside the Apple store. Throughout this process, the problem continued.

Finally, I thought I might as well just reinstall everything. After all, everything I have is in one cloud or another anyway. I started the computer in recovery mode and just wiped the main drive. Easy! And very possibly stupid.

When I went to install High Sierra again, I got the error, though I tried twice in a row.

could not create reboot volume …

Yikes. So I started her up again, CMD R, and a little globe starts spinning. Eventually, I am given the option to install OS X Yosemite. Ok, fine, better than nothing…. but then when it says select the disk you want, there are no options… just the external USB drive…

When I go to disk utility, I see “500.28 GB APPLE SSD…” with a little grey “disk0s2” beneath it.

enter image description here

What should I do now? I feel WAAAY over my head here…

enter image description here

enter image description here

Best Answer

Your solution is to destroy and recreate a clean partition then perform a full re-installation

  1. Issue the command

    diskutil partitionDisk disk0 1 GPT HFS+ MacHD 100%

    This command will create a single GPT partition formatted for HFS+ with a name of MacHD. You can change the name if you like, but use quotes if you use a name with spaces like "Macintosh HD".

  2. Install your macOS as normal. You can enable Journaling and/or FileValut at this point.