MacOS – Mac Command Line Tools Continue to Update

command linehigh sierrahomebrewmac-appstoremacos

This morning, I decided to re-install MacOS High Sierra using macOS Recovery by pressing Command + r. The system got stuck when only 11 minutes were remaining.

I restarted it and did the same process again, only this time, it wanted to install OS X Mavericks. I continued installing it. Once OS X Mavericks was installed, I updated it to macOS High Sierra. It said it was installed but it was only downloaded.

I found it was downloaded in /Applications folder and did the install. Everything worked like it should.

I started to install Homebrew, but Command Lines Tools were not installed, and started installing it. Then I saw Command Line Tools update in the App Store, so I cancelled the one initiated by Homebrew and initiated installation from the App Store.

Now, in App Store, it keeps on showing update Command Line Tools for OS X El Capitan and macOS High Sierra.

What should I do?

Best Answer

Ignore the update shown in the App Store. Install Command Line Tools by running the command:

xcode-select --install

In case the command doesn't work, and gives an error stating,

xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates

simply run brew config. It will show a dialogue box asking to accept Xcode license terms. Once accepted, Command Line Tools will be setup successfully.