MacOS – How to archive the “smarts” of Smart Mailboxes


I have certain Smart Mailboxes in (Mountain Lion, Version 6.3 / 1503) which help me find invoices for my tax declaration. I only need them once a year and would like to archive them for the other 50 weeks, because they clutter my mailbox list.

I could edit the rules and note down the search criteria, re-creating the lists once a year … but I am looking for an elegant solution.

Is there something like Smart Playlist Management (app that exports the smarts of Smart Playlists for iTunes) … only for Any idea (App, Terminal, workflow) is greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

You can create folders for smart mailboxes, and collapse the folder so that it only takes up one line in your smart mailbox list no matter how many smart mailboxes it contains. Use the menu item Mailbox → New Smart Mailbox Folder…, give the folder a name, and then drag your special smart mailboxes into the folder. Click the triangle to the left of the folder to collapse it.

(This answer has been written based on experience with Mail version 5.3. I do not know if later versions have significant differences, but the option appears to be still present.)