MacOS Mail – Apple Mail Not Saving Smart Mailboxes

I'm having some trouble with Apple Mail 6.3 (1503) and Smart Mailboxes under 10.8.3. When I create Smart Mailboxes they work just as one would expect them to. When I quit Mail and re-open it, they're gone as if I would have never created them. I found a similar issue with an earlier version of Mac OS X where deleting the SmartMailboxesSomething.plist in ~/Library/Mail/ fixed the problem. This does not seem to apply for OS X's current version anymore.

I filed a bug about this:

This happens on both my MacBook Air and my iMac. Both are running OS X's latest version.

Anyone know how to fix this?

— Flo

Best Answer

I filed a radar (rdar://13700673) with Apple and after a few mails back and forth they figured out how to solve the problem:

chmod -a 'everyone deny write,delete,append,writeattr,writeextattr,chown' ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~mail/Data/MailData/* ~/Library/Mobile\ Documents/com~apple~mail/Data/MailData/Signatures/*

Looks like I had some permission issues on that files.