MacOS – Mac OS X Terminal: Commands not found


I really don't have much experience with Terminal and I believe I may have caused a problem when trying to download and use wine on my Mac. If I try to type in anything I simply get "Command not found". After reading many forum posts I believe this has something to do with my PATH, but again, I don't really know exactly what that means.

Best Answer

Looking at the link and also your path it looks like you have installed Macports. Its installer will change in ~/.profile the path but not in the way you show. See macports document for the correct way to do this.

Editing /etc/profile is not the correct way as it affects all users and is also more complex to deal with as requires root permission and is also an Apple supplied file that could be changed in Apple system upgrades

This explains two of your /opt/local/bin ... etc in your path (/etc/profile and ~/.profile) More and the PATHnexport imply that yor editing of files has gone wrong.

I would restore /etc/profile from a backup to be as Apple set it up, and check that .profile has the lines as per the macports document. Also check to see if you have ~/.bash_profile or ~/.login and check they do not have any alterations to the PATH

If you are not used to Terminal (e.g. if you do not understand what these .profile files are) then it mght be better to install wine via a GUI method e.g. Wineskin or Crossover (Even if you do understand Terminal and shells t is easier to use these)