MacOS – How to install terminal application globally


So I mess around with terminal once in a while. Occasionally I find I have to compile from source with the usual:

(sudo) make install

I'm trying to install gtk+ following the instructions on the build page of:

it suggests using a different account for those who have macports or fink installed. So thats what I'm doing.

I realized this means some stuff won't be available, but I'm literally scouring the internet for obscure packages that apparently I don't have, because I can't get past step one: install a bunch of supporting modules. I have XCode installed.

Why isn't at least some of the stuff I installed in my main account showing up for all users? I thought source installation did this by default? like in /usr/bin or /usr/lib?

I don't want to mess with my path too much as the whole point was to have a clean path free of macports/fink influence (I had both).

IDK what the issue with macports/fink is exactly, but is it possible to link against main libraries without linking macports/fink?

EDIT: Is it possible to make some ports selectively available for all users but not all?
I don't fully understand what exactly about macports (maybe just some of the ported utilities) doesn't work with gtk+ and jhbuild. But maybe thats a start

Best Answer

  1. Create a new folder somewhere accessible by all users.

  2. Symlink a number of executables into that folder so that only the executables that you want to be accessible in all user accounts are in that folder.

    ln -s /opt/local/yourport /path/to/your/folder/yourport
  3. Add the path to your new folder to the top of /etc/paths. Since this file is read by all user accounts, it is added to the path for all users. However, since you're adding the new folder, you're not adding all the ports to everyone's path.