macOS – Fix Mac Chess App Crashes on High Sierra

crashhigh sierramacos

Some days ago I played a few Chess games on the built-in chess app. But now each time i open up chess it does these steps:

  1. It makes the mouse a spinning color wheel
  2. The app crashes
  3. It says that 'Chess quit unexpectedly'

What can i do to fix this?

Best Answer

This is a wonderful issue to follow the two articles Apple publishes on isolating issues (not that it's wonderful to crash, but this is a very small contained issue that should be easy to isolate and then fix):

That sets the table for you to dive into software isolation (which this is clearly the first thing to try)

In your case, making a new user account, verifying if the crash is system wide or just your account is the next step I’d take. Once that’s done, you can think about updates / verifying a backup, etc...