MacOS – Is it Possible to RDP into a BootCamp Image running Windows 8.1


I have forwarded a port on my router to my Mac mini OS X server which is running OS X and Windows 8.1 in Bootcamp. Can I remote into the BootCamp image using remote desktop or VNC? If so, what settings must be changed to accomplish this?

Best Answer

I use RDC all the time and I know a few things about it. I have a similar setup as you, Apple based server but with a windows 8 partition. I RDC into the partition from another Mac and it all works fine. Here are a couple links that should help you with the setup on your Windows. and This should help you get up and running. The setup I have on the Mac is the Domain is the internal IP that you will get from your Windows and obviously the Username and password... are the username and password to your Windows. Hope I haven't been too blunt, but feel free to ask for help.
