macOS Chrome – Fixing CMD + Shift + R Not Reloading Webpages


This Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts support page, in the Mac > Webpage shortcuts section, indicates:

Reload your current page, ignoring cached content: ⌘ + Shift + r

But that keyboard shortcut does not work for me, my mac only beeps when I press those buttons.

⌘ + r works as expected, but ⌘ + Shift + r only beeps.

I'm lost how to fix this. Any ideas?

Best Answer

In most cases, the reason is, that another application does already listening to the same shortcut.

In my case it was another running application called Be Focused (Pro) which uses the same shortcut (CTRL+CMD+R) defined as a global shortcut per default.

1.) Try to close a bunch of running applications

  1. Try closing all other running applications. Even the apps which has only an icon in the macOS tray area.
  2. Try the problematic shortcut after a restart of Google Chrome (chrome://restart)
  3. If the shortcut works now, you know that at least one of the closed applications listening to that shortcut and prevents it from working in Google Chrome.

2.) Try to open program for program and test the problematic shortcut in Google Chrome (after a restart) if it still works.

When you found the responsible application, try to adjust their shortcut configuration.