macOS – How to Show Hidden Files in ‘Choose a File’ Dialog


I want to choose a file under hidden directories on any application but Finder, but it seems to be not shown. For example, if I put a file called my.terminal under ~/Dropbox/.hidden/, and try to choose the file on Terminal (Preferences -> Profiles -> Import), I could not reach the file because it is, I think, put under a hidden directory. The file is not searchable on the search box.

In this case, I first have to copy the file to other directories that are non-visible, and then choose the file again. This is quite painstaking and I want to avoid it, but is this possible on macOS (Big Sur)?

I already set the Finder such that it shows hidden files, but this has no effect on other applications.

Best Answer

As noted, you have found how to show invisibles, in Finder and in file-picker dialogs…

You are going to be hampered, however, by the fact that Spotlight will not index hidden or System locations, so they will not show up in search.

A potential partial workaround would be to open your destination folder in Finder before you need it in an app. Then, when you are presented with any file-picker dialog, you can drag that folder into the dialog & the file-picker will go to that location.