MacOS – How to remove Skype menu bar icon from macOS

iconmacosmenu barskype

I want to remove the Skype status icons from the menu bar of my MacBook, when the app is running. I see that Microsoft has been ignoring the same question from many user, for years. MS Forum. There is no such toggle in preferences either.

So I looked for the relevant .tiff, .png, .icn, .icns files in various places, including inside the, hoping that removing those (or replacing them with blanks) would do the job. But nothing came up.

Can I eliminate the visible icon from the menu bar while running Skype on macOS Catalina?

Best Answer

Since Skype 8 is an Electron app you can modify its source code. Run this command in Terminal:

LC_ALL=C sed -i '' -e "s/this\._tray=new i\.Tray(this\._getTrayIconInternal()),/\/\*is\._tray=new i\.Tray(this\._getTrayIconInternal()\*\//" -e "s/initTrayMenu(){.\{7\}/initTrayMenu(){return;/" /Applications/

It will prevent the menu bar icon from being created.