MacOS – How to make the Console app reappear after deleting Everything? OS X Yosemite


I deleted every file that was contained in the console's logs listing of my Macbook Pro 15, including the "All messages,".
Now when I click to open the app, the program opens but no GUI will load. The only way I can get the GUI to load is to manually open a log file, and the tab under "System Log Queries" is empty.

Any clue how I can fix this to where the console GUI will load when I open the app? If I gesture down on the trackpad and it shows a blurry screen (as there is no open window). Can I just use the touch command to make a blank file for it to load to, and if so, where should I put it and under what name?

Best Answer

I moved my newly created All\ Messages.aslquery to /Applications/Utilities/, closed and reopened console, and bam the GUI comes up. Thank you Buscar with providing me with the necessary file location to solve this problem.