MacOS – Where to find VNC access logs with IP addresses on Sierra

logsmacosNetworkremote desktop

I'm looking for logs on attempts by someone to access one of my Macs on a previous day. I have remote management running and I allow VNC access. In the logs I have found, I see the attempts they made, but there's no IP address logged. Where can I see this?

An example of a console log I have is "system.log.0" (backed up the last day). I have tons of these log events from when someone was connected:

([2323232]): Endpoint has been activated through legacy launch (3) API's

There is no other logged info.

Also, I don't have a "secure.log" file.

I just want to know what IPs were connected to my Mac during a specific time frame. Is there any other log or source of info in macOS Sierra I could harvest for this?

Best Answer

Beginning with macOS Sierra, there is a new unified logging system, which requires a bit more work to access than the old system.log, but includes far more details.

Use this command to show the last three days of access logs: log show --last 3d --predicate 'processImagePath CONTAINS "screensharingd" AND eventMessage CONTAINS "Authentication"'

This will show timestamps, IP, username, and authentication failure/success for both VNC and Apple Screen Sharing connections.