MacOS – How to disable the rubber banding/elastic scroll effect in OS X Mavericks


OS X uses the rubber band effect to show users that they’ve scrolled to the end of a window’s content.

In the past (Lion) the terminal command that follows would disable this effect:

defaults write -g NSScrollViewRubberbanding -int 0

I've tried using Onyx and Tinker Tools to disable this and they do not work. The above terminal command doesn't work either.

Can this scrolling behavior be suppressed or eliminated on 10.9 Mavericks?

Best Answer

There is no known solution at the moment – Apple seems to have deprecated the NSScrollViewRubberbanding command in 10.9.

You may find that it helps to do Settings > Accessibility > Mouse & Trackpad > Trackpad Options > Scrolling > Without Inertia. This won't actually disable the rubber band effect, but in my experience it makes it less annoying.


Supposedly Cocktail may eliminate the bouncing, but reports are mixed.