MacOS – How should I set up the coding environment for PHP, theSQL, and JavaScript development


I'm having trouble finding a coding environment that is comfortable and I'm hoping anyone has had the same problem. On my windows box at the office I've found my ideal coding environment that I really dig. VS2010 or Eclipse, Notepad++, WinScp, Fireftp is often everything I need.

On my macbook pro however, I've not yet found that environment that just says "click".

What I'm looking for is a solution that can handle "intellisense" with php, ssh browsing like WinScp and snapping windows over halv the screen like Windows 7.

I've found one solution for the last point, but it had a lot of bugs so it got disabled. For some reason I find Eclipse to be a bit slow on my mac, and I haven't found a nice way of integrating a browser for the remote server via ssh either.

I'm making this community wiki since I'm really looking forward to seeing how everyone sets their environment up. I'm sure there are some gems to be found.

On my mac I mainly do PHP, mySQL, javaScript development.

Best Answer

I have about 7 years of experience coding in a Windows environment before I got my first mac early this year. So I know exactly what you're talking about. I was very used to the combination of Visual Studio for c++ and .net, Notepad++ for .bat and other scripting and lightweight tasks, and the occasional bit of Eclipse for java.

When I first started using my Mac, I was frustrated by what I saw to be a lack of equivalent software for OS X. I tried different IDEs and text editing solutions (Eclipse, Aptana, Textmate, Smultron, Fraise, etc), but like you said, nothing really 'clicked'.

However, at some point I stopped looking for replacements and started using the tools that were commonly used on *nix machines. Particularly vim. I've found that once my expectation of finding software equivalents to everything I had used on Windows dropped away, my horizons broadened. I feel like my interest in coding has been renewed because I'm learning a completely different way to work and think about the process. I'm using the command line way more than I ever have in the past, and this has translated into new techniques even in my Windows development (like using powershell and command line versions of tools rather than the gui).

I was in a huge programming rut before I started using my mac, but I'm finding that being forced to look at my process and tools in a different way is really bringing out talents and interests I didn't know I had before. I'm coding in python and c++ rather than javascript and c#, in one of the oldest editors in existence, and I'm loving it.