An alternative to the text editor TextMate for PHP development


I am fed up with the text editor TextMate. It's great, but it's old and keeps crashing on me. No development in (what, 3+?) years, etc.

So I'm looking for a viable alternative, mainly for PHP development. However, I don't want a bloated and slow editor that runs on Java (so NetBeans, Komodo, Eclipse, etc are out), nor something that includes the kitchen sink (goodbye Coda, I already own Espresso but am extremely disappointed that after latest version doesn't include variable autocompletion). BBEdit is a little too bare bones for me.

In summary, as the title says, a TextMate replacement that is modern, stable and still in development. Does such an editor exist?

Best Answer

Have a look at Sublime Text. It basically is what I would expect TextMate2 to be.