MacOS – Does Yosemite support the old Mail view

All the screenshots I can find of Mail in Yosemite show the new Mail message view:

| Someone            | Guess what! Something happened. I don't know what is is,   |
| Something happened!| though. If I ever find out, I'll tell you.                 |
| Guess what! Some...|                                                            |
+--------------------+                                                            |
| Someone else       |                                                            |
| Guess what         |                                                            |
| Something amazin...|                                                            |
+--------------------+                                                            |
| Et cetera          |                                                            |
| You get the idea   |                                                            |
| ......             |                                                            |

Whereas I like the old view:

| From              | Subject                       | Date Recieved               |
| Someone           | Something happened!           | Recently                    |
| Someone else      | Guess what                    | Less recently               |
| Et cetera         | You get the idea              | Even less recently          |
|                   |                               |                             |
|                   |                               |                             |
|                   |                               |                             |
|                   |                               |                             |
| Guess what! Something happened. I don't know what it is, though. If I ever find |
| out, I'll tell you.                                                             |
|                                                                                 |
|                                                                                 |
|                                                                                 |
|                                                                                 |

In previous versions of Mac OS, I could change to the old view. Can I do so now?

Best Answer

Yes it does, just open, then open the Preferences window from the menu bar. Select the Viewing tab and then choose "Use Classic Layout". I've tested this with OS X Yosemite. Here is a screenshot:enter image description here