MacOS – Copy text from quick look in El Capitan or Sierra


I used to be able to just quicklook files and copy the text directly from there, removing the need to launch applications to open it which is just awesome, however, it doesn't seem to work since El Capitan. I have tried running the terminal command (defaults write QLEnableTextSelection -bool TRUE) that enables it but it didn't work.

What options exist to customize quick look or replace the default plug in with one that allows text selection?

Best Answer

  1. It's not that the defaults write command fails. I verified the file, and it wrote the variable to it. The problem is somewhere in the design. Maybe they have moved it? I have been looking in the containers and other files but no luck yet. I hope they didn't completely kill it. Maybe there is a way to copy the old Yosemite version of QL back? If I figure it out, I will update here.

  2. TRUE - YES or 1 have the same effect, so, there is no problem on this side.

  3. The option is no longer available on Onyx or TinkerTools too :

enter image description here

Conclusion :

Actually there is no solution to get back the text edit feature on Quick Look.

Following this Apple Thread is the last way to keep hope

It is worth noting that you can copy from spotlight for certain files, as discovered here. Not a great workaround but still allows copying without opening a file. The supported file types are the following:

  • .doc/.docx/.pps/.ppt/.pptx/.xls/.xlsx (also scrollable)
  • .rtf including text-based .rtfd
  • .numbers '09 v2.3, keynote '09 v5.3
  • .odt
  • all text based documents, including source code, xml, plists, and .command files
  • compatible image types