MacOS – Copy from `OS X` and paste using `OS X Screen Sharing` to a Raspberry Pi


I have a Raspberry Pi which I access from my Mac using ssh and VNC (tightvncserver).
I am using OS X Screen Sharing

I want to be able to copy from OS X and paste into a GUI app on the Pi.
(Copying using ssh works as normal).

Share the contents of the Clipboard with another Mac mentions using Edit >Use Shared Clipboard, but this option is greyed out when sharing the Pi.

Is there any way to paste into the Pi GUI?

Best Answer

The first thing to try would be installing autocutsel on the Pi.

You can find details at Raspberry Pi StackExchange.

Once you have that installed try both turning on shared clipboard and sending the clipboard from the Mac.

If that doesn't work then try a VNC client app such as Chicken.