MacOS – How to access the remote clipboard when Screen Sharing into a Linux system


I am using Screen Sharing to do vnc to my work computer running Linux,
however the Edit -> Cut,Copy, Paste,Delete commands are all greyed out.
Is there some way to enable these options ?

On a related question, I could get text from one vnc window to the clipboard when highlighted with the mouse, and can paste to the same vnc window, but I can't paste the same text to another vnc window… as if the clipboard isn't updating. Seems each vnc window remembers its own clipboard updates only,
which is not what I want. Would prefer clipboard info to be available to
all vnc windows, is this possible ?

Best Answer

There's a program called vncconfig that makes clipboard integration work. Just run it in your sever like:

vncconfig &

And now it works. Kind of a miserably named program though. Another tip is to add vncconfig & to your ~/.vnc/xstartup script so you always have it.