MacOS – Can’t run Google Chrome on macOS Sierra


For some reason, no matter how many times I delete (using AppCleaner) and redownload Google Chrome, I am unable to launch Chrome on my 2017 MacBook Pro running 10.12.6 Sierra.

When I click on the application, it's icon appears momentarily in my Dock and then disappears. I am using Firefox, downloading directly from Google Chrome's website.

enter image description here

This is what appears in my system log when I try to run the application:

Nov 17 12:29:36 [nameremoved]-mbp ksinstall[94677]: 2017-11-17 12:29:36.137 ksinstall[94677/0xa6f4a1c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneInstallTool main] Google Software Update installer started.
Nov 17 12:29:36 [nameremoved]-mbp ksinstall[94677]: 2017-11-17 12:29:36.142 ksinstall[94677/0xa6f4a1c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneInstallTool main] Google Software Update installer starting Installation.
Nov 17 12:29:36 [nameremoved]-mbp ksinstall[94677]: 2017-11-17 12:29:36.142 ksinstall[94677/0xa6f4a1c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneInstallBackend install] Google Software Update attempting to install.
Nov 17 12:29:36 [nameremoved]-mbp[1] ([94673]): Service exited with abnormal code: 21
Nov 17 12:29:36 [nameremoved]-mbp ksinstall[94677]: 2017-11-17 12:29:36.438 ksinstall[94677/0xa6f4a1c0] [lvl=2] +[KSCodeSigningVerification verifyBundle:applicationId:error:] KSCodeSigningVerification verifying code signing for '/Users/[nameremoved]/Library/Google/GoogleSoftwareUpdate/GoogleSoftwareUpdate.bundle' with the requirement 'anchor apple generic and certificate 1[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[field.1.2.840.113635.] exists and certificate leaf[subject.OU]="EQHXZ8M8AV" and (identifier="")'
Nov 17 12:29:36 [nameremoved]-mbp ksinstall[94677]: 2017-11-17 12:29:36.475 ksinstall[94677/0xa6f4a1c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneInstallBackend shouldInstallWithVersion:error:] Google Software Update found version that is the same or newer:
Nov 17 12:29:36 [nameremoved]-mbp ksinstall[94677]: 2017-11-17 12:29:36.475 ksinstall[94677/0xa6f4a1c0] [lvl=2] -[KeystoneInstallTool main] Google Software Update installer ran successfully.

Does anyone know why I might be having this problem? It's making it difficult to test UI code.

Best Answer

If you just deleted the app from the applications folder there may be some remnants hanging out in other places like pref files and other places in the ~/Library/Application Support folder. Try downloading an app like AppCleaner Drag the app onto its window and it will find the associated files for Chrome. Then hit the delete button, and then re-download Chrome and try it again. Hope that helps.