MacOS – Cannot shutdown/restart properly, force-quit fails, wunderlisthelper does not die

force quitmacosshutdown

Alright, I had another initial post draft written, but then I just found something:

wunderlisthelper will not die…

kill -9 will cause it to reopen with another pid.
I keep hard killing it, and it keeps jumping to a new process.

91617 ??         0:00.55

What is this?

The initial prob is that shutdown/restart will work if not logged in, but will not work if logged into any account. I've tried MANY methods to solve the issue – nothing yet. All other diagnostics (hardware and software) are good.

Also fwiw there is some trouble with force-quit other apps, but maybe unrelated.

Best Answer

wunderlisthelper runs in the background and restarts automatically due to the loaded launch agent. You can disable it from Wunderlist preferences.