MacOS – Bandwidth monitor in topbar for MacOS


I used to have Du-meter app to track the bandwidth status (upload / download sped) from the topbar, but it was discontinued some years ago.

I recently saw someone in a video call using an interesting app to track not only bandwidth, but other indicators such as CPU usage, Memory usage, etc. At least, I was able to capture a screenshot:

enter image description here

Zoomed shot of relevant area

enter image description here

I tried to find system & network applications within the App Store, but most of them are old and not updated.

Is anyone able to recognise the app from the screenshot?

Best Answer

It looks very much like iStat Menus.

There are many view & information options, but I'm reasonably sure that's one of them.

enter image description here

BTW, the orange highlighted segment in your image is actually mostly disk read/write speed. Network usage is just to the right - I re-imaged, labels are to the left

enter image description here