MacOS – Are there replacements for the reg commad on Mac OS X 10.9

command linemacosunix

I believe reg existed on 10.8 and lower as documented here –

However, in OS X 10.9 I only find man page but not the command. My requirement is to passively monitor the processor registers (dump them). It looks like 'reg' does that.

Is there an equivalent utility that I download somewhere for MAC OS X >= 10.9.

Best Answer

As far as I can tell reg is only available in Lion (/usr/bin/reg and /usr/share/man/man1/reg.1). I haven't been able to find it in any other system version in the 10.6 - 10.11 range.

Executing it in 10.10 works but I think some hardware data is missing. E.g my CPUs weren't recognized and I can't list any PCI device. Depending on the hardware your mileage will vary.