Why MacBook Won’t Connect to Raspberry Pi WiFi – Troubleshooting Guide

macbook proNetworkwifi

I have my Raspberry Pi setup as a WiFi router, which works great! Except for one problem, my MacBook.

Connecting through my Galaxy Tab 3 Note? A-OK. Alcatel cellphone? A-OK. Chromebook? Sure thing.

Even my Roku 2, no problem.

But my MacBook? It connects to the WiFi no problem. I can even run a python -m SimpleHTTPServer on it and connect to the server via and that works just fine. But if I try to ping Well, that's where we start running into issues.

I actually tried running tcpdump on my Raspberry when I started pinging from my MacBook, but none of the ping packets showed up. I just tried pinging from a different device and packets definitely showed up.

There definitely was traffic from the Mac – a lot of UDP traffic, some TCP. Most of the TCP packets from my MacBook were retransmissions. There were some packets that were routed back to the IP. Here are a couple of the IPs:



TCP: (only these two IPs sent any TCP packets back)


So for some reason it appears that my Mac, and only my Mac, isn't doing something right. Any clue what could be causing the connection to fail?


It definitely looks like a DNS issue – Google Chrome provides an error DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NO_INTERNET. Also, I can do telnet 80, and then interestingly enough it waits and waits and waits, but then it connects. After which

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: google.com
Content-Accept: */*

Returns with the Google 301 redirect to http://www.google.com

Best Answer

It looks like something was horked up with my routing table. Flushing my routes with

$ sudo route -n flush

at the terminal several times, clearing my custom DNS entries, and turning my wifi off and then on again allows me to connect properly.