Safari ‘Starts With: A New Window’ Setting Missing on MacBook Pro

macbook prosafari

I have a macbook pro 13" from 2015 running Mojave at the moment. Recently something odd happened and selection of how safari opens has two options."All windows, and all non-private windows". It used to have one more option called "A New Window" and now it is missing.

I would really love to get rid of anxiety I have each time I open my laptop in a cafe or something because of obvious reasons.

Thanks in advance!



Best Answer

That setting is dependant on another setting in System Prefs > General > Close Windows when quitting an app.

If that is checked, you get the new Window option. If it is unchecked, then you're essentially telling Safari [& all apps] to remember what they were doing at quit.

enter image description here

enter image description here